Wednesday, September 9, 2015

He Cheats Because.....????

He cheats because he a dog of man, wasn't raised right, don't know how to treat a woman, he a womanizer and misogynist and basically because he aint shit.
Naw! I'm just playing. But that does sum up what most women may believe about the average man who chooses to step outside of his monogamist relationship to seek other amenities from another.
When I think about this topic and other ways of life that we as American and Western civilized people live by I ask myself Is this natural or is it man made/ influenced?

When I say natural, I'm simply speaking of things that are of us like judgement, temptation, jealousy, anger, joy, desire, ideas, creativity, etc. These are things that are whole heartedly apart of our human nature. What we decide to do with these human emotions and characteristics are often influenced by society but they are indisputably apart of our genetic makeup. When I speak of things that are man made and/or influenced, I am speaking of things such as religion, laws, rituals, traditions, etc. These are things that are for certain in the hands of man.

So back to it. Cheating as we so loosely call it, is it natural or is it man made/ influenced perception?
I think this a very important question to ask. I am reading a book titled The Art of Living:The Classical Manual on Virtue, Happiness and Effectiveness, which is an interpretation of the philosopher Epictetus by Sharon LeBell.  This book discusses subjects such as seeing things for what they are, knowing what you can and can't control and one of my favorite, events don't hurt us but our views of them can. In short these topics are stating that people do what is naturally of them and their actions aren't necessarily negative but the way we perceive them are. Is cheating, as we call it, a defining factor of a man? Does the action of seeking companionship from someone outside of his monogamist relationship make him any less great or take away from the fact that he loves his lady?

Lets talk about it. Desire and temptation are things that are of us. These are natural emotions that make up who and what we are. Again, the book I am reading talks about knowing what you can and can't control. A human can not control if they are or aren't attracted to another person nor if they desire qualities that a person may have such as stimulating conversation, a certain body type, personality traits, etc. Yes, we can control if we act on these desires and temptations but why should we have to fight something that is so natural to our humanity? So I guess the bigger question is Is monogamy the answer? Should we live by it especially being that it so commonly doesn't work with most male species. Cultures throughout the world have discovered this answer already and live by it and live happily. Polygamy. Is it the answer? Maybe. Maybe not. I don't know. I'm just a spectator of life and a writer and free-thinking man. Lol. I've said a lot. Not sure if it all ties together as I originally set out to but HEY, this is what you get.

In closing, is he cheating or is he just doing what is naturally of his genetic make up? Is Americas' monogamist standard of love and companionship being forced on us or are we just simply too undisciplined to handle one partner? Tell me something!

P.S. I'm not justifying the so called CHEATING. I am just bridging a better understanding. Peace. Reshare and comment.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Do You Know What It Means To Commit In Love?

We go through life totally discombobulated and oblivious to the concept of commitment and relationships. We have been convinced that relationships are no different from revolving doors. We have become comfortable with the idea of leaving and coming back, breaking up and trying again, running and returning the moment we catch up with our emotions realizing our decisions were completely illogical.
What is the problem in 2015?
Why do so many marriages end before they even begin to crawl?
Why are the words "I love you" used so loosely?
Why is it so easy to quit when you've invested so much time and energy?
Is love and companionship really that expendable?
Maybe so for some people.
My question stated in the title is "Do You Know What It Means To Commit In Love?"
Love. We all know this word well so I won't bother defining it. Webster defines the word commitment as the state or quality of being dedicated to a cause or activity. Synonyms for the word commitment are responsibility, obligation, duty, fidelity, devotion, allegiance and so on and so forth.

In other words, it is pretty serious. Not to be played with like child games. You don't throw temper tantrums and throw all the pieces off the board and go play with somebody else. No, not at all. You get mad, go in your corner and come back when you're ready play again.
Communication is the key to any relationship. Talk about it. Cry about it. Scream about it. Laugh about it. Do whatever is the healthiest thing to do.
Don't be a punk and keep running from love. Commit! It'll be worth it in the end.

The song for this Read. Listen